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Choosing Your Horse Stall Fronts

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When choosing a horse stall front you want to make sure you’re choosing the best option for your facility’s needs. There are many different stall fronts that you can choose from to be the right fit for you and your horse. Horse stall fronts should not only be for appearance but also for safety and functionality. A well built and maintained stall front will be able to last for years and require minimal repair, it’s important to spend time on making the right decision.

Horse stall fronts can have multiple designs, but there are only two types of stall doors: sliding doors and hinged doors which swing outward. There are pros and cons to each door but sliding doors are what are most used in barns. Horse stall sliding doors that are well made allow for efficiency and safety, they also allow for you to save time when handling a horse. Horse stalls with sliding doors take up space in the barn aisle, this can help prevent any safety hazards in case of an emergency.

Many barns have stall fronts and stall doors that are primarily constructed from wood. We recommend using steel frames for your stall fronts. There are so many design options when it comes to stall fronts, such as steel bars, steel mesh, and lumber choices. You want to keep in mind to prioritize safety, airflow and functionality over aesthetics. Vertical steel bars or steel mesh allow for visibility and ventilation within the facility. Having vertical steel bars help prevent the chances of a safety risk for a horse’s legs to get caught.

When building your horse stalls, you also need to consider the placement for your stall front doors –  if they should be in the center or on the left side of a stall front, if your stall front should have an opening for your horse to stick their head out of or not. Having the stall door centered allows both ends of the horse’s stall to be functional for the use of water and feed. Stalls fronts should also be designed to have an opening, giving it an elegant aesthetic, increased socialization and increased ventilation. Horses enjoy being able to see their surroundings and their neighbors, allowing this for your horse will help reduce stress and allow for them to interact with people and other animals.

With Sterling Equine we offer horse stall fronts that will give you all the above. Sterling Equine has 3 series of stall fronts to choose from. We use high quality Galvanized Steel in the making of our stalls, and focus on safety, functionality and longevity of our designs. Each series we have has a different design, but you can also customize the design to how you would like. Our three series of stalls are S, E, and C, each having their own unique design.

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Sliding Door Stalls:

  • High quality stall front with a sliding self-cleaning track
  • Opening in the center door for horses to look out freely
  • Perfect for barns with a tight aisle.

Euro Style Hinged Door Stalls:

  • Hinged stall front with an aesthetic look that will take your barn to the next level.
  • Variety of material options such as mesh, glass, grills or wood fills to fit your needs.
  • This series keeps style, durability and safety in mind for our clients without sacrificing quality.

Horse Stall Components:

  • Our component line, offering grill work, latches, hardware, door and gates, U-Channel, and more.
  • Build-your-own-stall component system, where you can pick and choose the pieces that fit your vision for your dream barn.

We make sure to keep our process simple when selecting your stall fronts. Our website convers the process and shows the three series that you can choose from for your stall.


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